Companion Planting Guide

With 124 plants and counting, this companion planting guide allow you to quickly search and sort through many vegetables, herbs, and flowers to maximize you companion planting strategy. Our list contains companion planting research done on over 20 sites and compiled a useful and searchable guide. A must have for all gardeners!

Plant: Benefits:
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  • Black Walnut

    Black walnut trees inhibit the growth of apples, potato, eggplant, tomato, capsicum, blackberry, petunia.

  • Blackberry

    Blackberries grows very quickly and can take over if not pruned frequently.

  • Borage

    Repels tomato worms. Adds potassium, calcium and other minerals to soil. Attracts honeybees. Borage may benefit any plant it is growing next to via increasing resistance to pests and disease. It also makes a nice mulch for most plants. Borage and strawberries help each other and strawberry farmers always set a few plants in their beds to enhance the fruits flavor and yield. Plant near tomatoes to improve growth and disease resistance. After you have planned this annual once it will self seed. Borage flowers are edible.

  • Brassica\Broccoli

    Brassicas are a family of species which include broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, and cauliflower. Need rich soil with plenty of lime to flourish.

  • Broad Beans

    Add nitrogen to soil--which is needed by corn. Bean vines grow up corn stalks, thus anchoring corn more firmly and the vines discourage racoons.

  • Brussels sprouts

    Will inhibited growth when planted near strawberries. Chamomile can improves the flavor of Brussels sprouts.

  • Buckwheat

    Accumulates calcium and can be grown as an excellent cover crop. Attracts hoverflies in droves. Do not plant buckwheat as a companion crop with legumes, as its early competitiveness for nutrients.

  • Burdock

    Do not allow to go to seed. Burdock will spread fast and wide.

  • Burnet

    Salad burnet has the flavor described as light cucumber and is considered interchangeable with mint in some recipes.

  • Bush Beans

    Encourages growth of companion plant. Adds nitrogen to the soil. Green beans protect eggplant from the Colorado potato beetle.

Last Update 2/9/2019: Added Swiss Chard, Chicory, and Kale