Companion Planting Guide

With 124 plants and counting, this companion planting guide allow you to quickly search and sort through many vegetables, herbs, and flowers to maximize you companion planting strategy. Our list contains companion planting research done on over 20 sites and compiled a useful and searchable guide. A must have for all gardeners!

Plant: Benefits:
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  • Chicory

    Produces a rosette of green leaves which can be used in salads. The fleshy taproot of chicory (when dried) can be ground and used as a substitute for coffee.

  • Chives

    Improves growth and flavor.

  • Chrysanthemums

    Kills root nematodes. White flowering chrysanthemums repel Japanese beetles. Repel pest insects from nearby crops and ornamental plants (aphids, bed bugs, leafhoppers, spider mites, harlequin bugs, ticks, pickleworms and imported cabbage worms)

  • Clover

    Fertilizes the soil for neighboring plants. Attracts many beneficials. Useful planted around apple trees to attract predators of the woolly aphid.

  • Coriander / Cilantro

    Repels aphids, spider mites, and potato beetle. Attracts bees. Planting beans or peas near cilantro will be beneficial to the growth of your cilantro plants.

  • Corn

    Used in the "three sisters" technique (maize, squash, and climbing beans) When the maize is 15 cm (6 inches) tall, beans and squash are planted around the maize, alternating between beans and squash.

  • Costmary

    Repels moths. Place costmary behind lower growing herbs but definitely in front of giants such as elecampane.

  • Crow Garlic

    Repels slugs, aphids, carrot fly, cabbage worms and can be eaten like chives.

  • Cucumbers

    Improves growth. Vines growing with corn help anchor corn and discourage racoons.

Last Update 2/9/2019: Added Swiss Chard, Chicory, and Kale